What is the minimum time we need to get from the airport to Boca de Tomatlan?
Because the car traffic in Puerto Vallarta might be very congested, an hour by a street taxi to catch 3pm water taxi in
Boca de Tomatlan is only a point of reference to be used after you exit the airport. Unless your plane is scheduled to land
before 12:45pm we highly recommend you stay in Vallarta the first night.
Puerto Vallarta airport is very busy with most flights landing, often with delays, between 1-3 pm which also slows down getting
through the immigration checkpoint.
Please note: The Morning Water Taxi versus the Afternoon Water Taxi, both to and from Los Chonchos is more reliable in all
weather conditions 7 days a week every day including all holidays.
Returning from Los Chonchos to Puerto Vallarta
The water taxi returns to Boca de Tomatlan twice a day. The pick up time from Los Chonchos is about 10 am and about 4 pm.
Since typically the waves are smaller in the morning, we recommend you leave on the 10 am water taxi.
Tips on arriving at the airport.
Puerto Vallarta’s airport is simple to navigate through and out.
After you leave the customs, you will be approached by the officially dressed people who are time share salesmen and tour
reps. They are forceful. The best line to use with them is “I live here”, and keep walking.
Can you suggest a good place to eat near the airport?
Walk outside the airport and cross the highway by the walkway bridge. At the end of the bridge look for a small restaurant
“ Taco de Marlin “. They serve only, but the best In Vallarta, always fresh seafood burritos.
Yellow Taxies are right there as well.
What are my transportation options in Puerto Vallarta?
Street Taxies are the best way to move within the city.
We also have an airport pick up service that is in line with "airport to hotel white taxi service"; You will have an opportunity
to arrange this service before your arrival.
There are two kinds of Taxis in Vallarta, and both charge by the zone, not by using a meter.
Always ask for the fare charge before you get in to a taxi.
White Taxis at the airport are the only ones permitted to operate from the airport. These taxies are twice as expensive
as Yellow Taxis. The fare to El Centro is about 200 pesos, and to Boca de Tomatlan about 450 pesos
you may check White Taxies rates here:
Yellow Taxis are everywhere. They can drop off passengers at the airport but they can’t pick up passengers.
Tip: You can pick up a Yellow Taxi near the airport. Outside the airport, cross the highway by the footbridge. There are
usually a few Yellow taxies waiting for the travelers who know this option.
The fare to El Centro should be about 120 pesos, and to Boca de Tomatlan about 250 pesos.
Once you cross the footbridge, the best seafood burritos in Puerto Vallarta at
Taco de Marlin Restaurant are right
Do you have a recommendation for a hotel to stay in Puerto Vallarta?
Hundreds of Puerto Vallarta hotels cater to the American tourist.
We suggest to stay in the El Centro, Romantic Zone.
You can find hotels here:
If you prefer a B&B/Boutique Hotel
Casa de los Monos
is a very nice, excellently operated option.
El Centro's "Malacon" is really beautiful and filled with great energy.
On your return from Chonchos, 10 minutes to the airport the new Comfort Inn
is very clean, has good beds, the internet, a swimming pool and includes breakfast.
However, you would need to bus or taxi about 15 minutes if you wanted to be in El Centro for dinner.
Boca de Tomatlan Tips
Boca de Tomatlan is a very small beach port for water taxies and small boats.
Beach restaurants serve meals and drinks. Check your bill; in Boca, tip is usually included in your total.
Have an insect repellent handy to apply to your feet and calves against the sand fleas in Boca. Do not pet dogs in Boca.
They are very friendly with eyes to melt your heart, but they carry fleas.
Are pets allowed?
Los Chonchos operates under a very strict ecological Mexican Law not allowing pets on the terrain of our colony.