

h o m e
a b o u t   u s
casa pirata #9
c l i m a t e / a c t i v i t i e s
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i t ' s   a   j u n g l e
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Los Chonchos travel useful info.
Please print for your reference.

Personal toiletry, flashlights, bug spray

Fare: 100 pesos/person, one way, paid to the driver at the end of the ride.
Rides Schedule:
From Boca de Tomatlan:
First pick up at 9am and arriving at Chonchos about 10 am. Second pickup 3 pm and arriving at Chonchos at about 4pm
From Los Chonchos:
First pick up at about 10 am and arriving in Boca at about 11:30. Second pickup at about 4pm, and arriving in Boca at about 4:45pm

Morning schedule is more reliable, both, to and from Los Chonchos.

Tell the water taxi driver when you are returning to Boca.

While waiting for the return to Boca, facing the ocean stand on the beach to the far right and wave with a shirt at the taxi when you see it coming from Chimo.

Getting on and off the boat
Never be in front of the boat while getting on or off the water taxi. To get off and on, go to the lowest point on the east (Vallarta) side about 5 feet away from the boat’s nose.
Get off first, and then pick up your belongings.
Even in winter months when waves might be big, the driver will find the right moment to come to the beach to load and unload the passengers. Just wait for the right moment.

In rare cases in the winter time (December 20- March 10) when waves might be high and rough, the water taxi may not be able to drop-off/pick-up on our beach. In this case a pick up and a drop off takes place in Chimo, which is 45-minute hike from Los Chonchos. For a fee, arrangements can also be made in Chimo to supply mules.

When you arrive, you will receive 2 keys, one to the entrance door, and one to the safe keeping cabinet.
Lock up all valuables when you are not in the casa.
(a lost key will incur a charge of $25.00 US).

Solar Electricity System:
Use lights, fans, and the inverter sparingly. Should you overuse, the system will shut down until there is enough sun to recharge the batteries.
Our Solar System has an inverter from 12V to 110V where you will be able to plug in for charging cell phones, Ipods, etc. You can plug in any 110 Volt devise that is no more than 200 watts (1.8 amp).

Toilet Drain System
Please remember that toilet tissue should be deposited in the garbage, NOT in the toilet (as in most of Mexico). The tissue will clog up our septic systems.

Sleep under the mosquito net.

While in Vallarta buy alcohol you like, and a few initial groceries. Beer and provision can be obtained by taking the hike to Chimo. You can also order food items from the on site cook/manager. For a small fee, he will bring them the next day.

Should you need to have some laundry washed, in the evening the manager will take it to Chimo (undergarments not accepted), and have it cleaned for a reasonable fee.

If your US provider service covers Mexico, US cell phones do work here, however, you may need to walk out on the beach or up on the hill…other times, it will work right from the casa.

Scorpions are native to Mexico, and although their sting is painful, it is not life threatening. However, it might be dangerous to small children and those with respiratory problems or who have an allergic reaction to a bee sting. We keep the surroundings of our bungalows free of scorpions, you do not need to be overly concerned, just use good common sense; especially at night don’t walk barefoot, shake out your shoes and clothes in the morning before putting them on, hang your towels and don’t reach for wood sticks or into dark spaces. Scorpions are mainly nocturnal, left alone, they hide in dark woody spaces and feed on other insects.
From November-May, mosquitoes and other biting insects are few, however, we recommend you bring insect repellent with you, especially if you plan to trek into the jungle.

The water that comes from a natural mountain spring is potable. If you are concerned, you may boil the water as a simple solution to assure that the water you drink is free of any microorganisms.

John Winders- (322) 139-3432 Puerto Vallarta contact/manager
Alfonso-(322) 172-5283 cook/on site contact from Chimo
Martin-(322)101-3203, Beto (322)-888-1500 the water taxi drivers